We had some friends come over for a girls night, and one brought this cake. She brought it in such a nice bag, I thought it was something else. The box is also so nice.
So we opened it, and it is a cake roll. There were two. One had a honey sauce, while the other had more of a fruit sauce. They were delicious.
What surprised me the most, was that it came with it's own knife!! Fancy smancy.
I know this watermelon is the odd picture in the bunch. It has it's own story. Jared and I went to a Korean mart and saw this yummy watermelon. I picked it up and almost had it in my cart, when the Korean guy chased me down and pulled me back to the melon stand. He insisted that the only proper way to carry the melon was by using this holding device. It took two men to put the melon in it, and I must say, it sure does make carrying a melon easier.