Let's see. Where do I start. Okay. Jared and I put our house on the market the beginning of June. We found this house that we were going to buy and fix up once our house sold. It was a fantastic deal, 3,000 sqft in a decent neighborhood for only 137,000. We were so excited. There was holes in the walls the size of a table, electrical problems galore, and I was excited to get to get my hands dirty. We had planned where we were going to put carpet and so forth. I only prayed that we would get this house. Needless to say, we didn't get it. Someone put a bid in. So then Jared got a call. He was going to Korea for a year. We both scrambled to get me to go. We did all the paperwork. Our passports are currently being processed. We had to go into the office a couple days ago to finish paperwork for our visas. We are so close to getting done and should have an answer in a couple of months (who knows with the military). That same day that we had to go in to to sign our visa's, we had a showing on our house. So returning home I checked the mail and then went inside to clean. I opened the letter from the college I am attending. It was an acceptance letter to the Nursing Program. I was planning on attending after we came back from Korea (the normal waitlist was 2 years). I was just put on the waitlist in August so I thought I wouldn't get one of these letters for at least another year. The letter said that I was to attend in Spring 2009. I thought, sure, I can get everything together by August of 2009. I called friends for watching my children, made arrangments for housing. I thought I had it all covered, until I discovered that Spring 2009 was in JANUARY!!!!! I was not expecting this at all. I know people that have been on the waiting list for over two years and have still not gotten in. I had only been on the list for 2 months. So yesterday I had to go to the police department to get finger printed for background checks and I have still so much to do. Before you can enter the nursing program you need to be CPR certified, have all your hep shots up to date, and many other things. So now my life is crazy trying to finsh the classes I am in, while preparing for the nursing program, while trying to sell our house, trying to fulfill my relief society presidency calling, while trying to spend time with Jared before he leaves me for another year, while I try to be a mom and a student all by myself AGAIN!!!! I just have to take a deep breath and know that this will all be worth it in the end. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. He has done everything to make this all possible. So my future plan is: not to have a plan. If we go through life being flexible, accepting all things, we can overcome anything.